Draycote Water

Draycote Water is a reservoir and country park close to the village of Dunchurch,  approximately six kilometres from Rugby.  The reservoir is managed by Severn Trent.

The entrance is accessed from the A426, Southam Road, which leads to a Pay & Display car park.
A combination of tarmaced road and pathway runs around the reservoir providing an enjoyable five mile walk.

Draycote Water is particularly good for over-wintering wildfowl,  with the Great Northern Diver, Slavonian & Black-necked Grebes,  and Smew being frequent visitors.  A large Gull roost forms from August continuing through the winter months. There is a hide in ‘Toft Bay’ which is situated close to a feeding station giving the opportunity for close-up views and photographs of the finch and tit family;  look out for Redpolls and Siskins during the winter months.  It is a good place for bird watching during the spring and autumn migration and quite often attracts rare vagrants.